Supreme Court Online Booking System
Notice - Further Update Regarding Online Booking for Civil and Family Matters (PDF, 224 KB)
Expansion of Online Booking System for Civil and Family Trials
The Supreme Court is expanding the type of matters that can be booked using the Court Online Booking System (COBS). Beginning November 1, 2024, COBS can be used to book civil and family trials. COBS has been and will continue to be available for booking Case Planning Conferences (CPCs), Judicial Case Conferences (JCCs), and Trial Management Conferences (TMCs). The expansion of COBS provides litigants with more flexibility about when matters are booked and ensures that limited court time is allocated fairly.
Booking Conferences Online
Currently, while COBS is available for CPCs, JCCs, and TMCs, parties can continue to book conferences online, by phone, or in person at the registry. COBS adds convenience for litigants and counsel to book online, while keeping traditional methods available for those who wish to use them.
Booking Trials Online
COBS will be expanded to trials in civil and family matters. In most regions where the Court can generally meet demand, litigants and counsel will be able to book trial dates using any of the available methods: online, by phone, or in person.
However, in Vancouver, New Westminster and Victoria where demand for trial dates exceeds availability litigants and counsel are strongly encouraged to book trial dates using COBS.
- Step 1: Submit Preferences: During “Booking Window” which is the first seven days of each month, submit a ranked list of the top 5 preferred dates for your civil or family trial.
- Step 2: Allocation of Trial Dates: Once the Booking Window closes, COBS will use a fairness algorithm to allocate newly released trial dates, ensuring that everyone who submitted a request during the booking window has an equal opportunity to secure a trial date.
Accessing COBS
To access COBS, log in using your BCeID credentials.
If you do not have a BCeID, please register for one here:
If you are a lawyer in good standing with the Law Society of British Columbia, you can also access COBS using your digital credentials from the BC Wallet app:
Why This Matters
COBS is designed to be more fair and more efficient, reducing the stress and uncertainty that often accompanied the old phone-in booking method. By moving the process online, it will be easier for litigants or counsel to secure a trial date while also ensuring that no one is unfairly disadvantaged by a busy phone line.
COBS does not increase the supply of available court dates; the purpose of COBS is to improve the efficiency of the process for submitting requests for trial dates. By using COBS, litigants and counsel will not have to call Scheduling to book trial dates and will not have to wait in a phone queue on booking day each month.
Open Source Transparency
To ensure complete transparency, the code behind COBS is open source, meaning it is publicly accessible and can be reviewed by anyone. The code is hosted on GitHub and we invite users and developers alike to explore how COBS works, or simply gain a better understanding of the algorithm that powers COBS.
Next Steps
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with COBS and prepare for this transition. More information, including how to register for a BCeID (https://www.bceid.ca/register/) or download the BC Wallet app, can be found here:
Stay tuned for further updates as we finalize the transition date and move forward with this new and improved system.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I encounter technical issues while using the online booking system?
If you experience any technical difficulties while using COBS, please contact our technical support team at webmaster@bccourts.ca.
Can I still book a trial outside of the Booking Window?
Yes, you can continue to book currently available trial dates either online, by phone, or in person at the registry. The Booking Window process is specifically for booking newly released trial dates in Vancouver, New Westminster and Victoria which are released 18 months in advance.
Will I receive email confirmations for my booking requests?
Yes, after you submit your trial date request, you will receive an email confirming that your request has been received. Once the booking window closes, you will receive a second email letting you know whether one of your requested dates has been booked or if none of your selected dates were available.
Are there additional steps after I book online?
Yes, if you are successful in obtaining a trial date, you are required to comply with the court's procedural rules to keep the booking. This includes filing the necessary documents in accordance with the Supreme Court Rules, which can be found here. If you do not file the necessary documents, you may lose your trial dates.
What happens if I am not assigned any of my preferred dates?
If you are not assigned any of your selected dates, you may submit a new booking request during the next month's Booking Window. In the next phase of COBS, if a party or counsel is not successful in obtaining a trial date in a given month, COBS will track that matter and automatically assign higher priority in subsequent months. We anticipate introducing this phase in early 2025.
What if my case settles before the trial date?
If you no longer need the trial dates you booked, contact the Scheduling Department for the relevant court location to tell them the trials dates are no longer needed. Contact information for all of the Supreme Court’s locations are available here. Once you tell the Scheduling Department that you no longer need the trial dates you have booked, those dates are released and are offered to litigants and counsel who are trying to book a trial date. Knowing in advance that trial dates are not required helps the Court ensure that the limited amount of available court time is efficiently and effectively used.
Will COBS increase the number of available trial dates?
No, COBS is designed to make the booking process easier and fairer. COBS does not change the total number of trial dates available. In Vancouver, New Westminster and Victoria, we expect that the demand for trial dates will continue to exceed the available supply and that bumping of trials will continue to occur.
Is the booked time available for me to use as I see fit?
No. The presiding judge at the trial has the authority to determine how a matter will proceed including the discretion to set a schedule and time limits for opening statements, witness testimony and submissions. The trial judge also has the authority to adjourn a trial and direct parties to find additional dates should they be unable to efficiently and continuously use the court time that has been scheduled. Counsel and parties are expected to organize their witnesses and submissions so that the trial can proceed continuously, without gaps. If the trial finishes before the end of the scheduled period, valuable court time can be allocated to another matter.