These organizations can help you find a lawyer who can help you with your legal problem, sometimes for free (pro bono) or for a reduced fee. They can also direct you to legal resources to help you solve your legal problem.
Lawyer Referral ServiceAccess Pro Bono operates the Lawyer Referral Service. This service will help you find a lawyer who will meet with you for 30 minutes for free. Call 604-687-3221 in the lower mainland and 1-800-663-1919 elsewhere in BC.
Legal AidThe Legal Services Society of BC (LSS) will appoint a lawyer if you cannot afford one, if you meet certain financial requirements, and your legal problems are covered by LSS guidelines (e.g., some criminal charges, serious family law problems, mental health and prison issues). The LSS website also provides a great deal of information about legal services and other available resources. For example, Clicklaw provides online legal information on a wide variety of topics.
Access Pro Bono BCAccess Pro Bono BC website provides a comprehensive list of legal resources and pro bono legal services in BC. It also tells you where to get help with special legal problems, such as human rights, employment, or tenancy issues.
Supreme Court Self-Help Information CentreThe Supreme Court Self-Help and Information Centre is a drop-in centre near the Vancouver courthouse where you can get legal information, but not legal advice, on family and civil cases in the Supreme Court. The staff can help you learn about the court system and court procedures, get legal information, locate and fill out relevant court forms, find free legal advice, and learn about the options for resolving your legal dispute without going to court. The website provides links to legal and court information, as well as a video, "Taking Your Case to the Supreme Court of BC" that explains information that you need to know before starting a civil action in court.